There are so many wonderful online resources about Systemic and Family Constellations available these days, and we’d love to share them all with you! We’ll start with two substantial e-books offered by two of our international presenters at the North American Systemic Constellations Conference, scheduled Oct. 5-8 in Virginia Beach, Va. One e-book, titled Ecos del Pasado, comes from Carola Castillo, the well-known trainer of Family and Systemic Constellations who comes from Venezuela and lives in Miami, Fla., and travels worldwide. She will star as one of our keynote speakers at the conference, with the topic “Under Chaotic and Archaic Expressions of the Energy Lies an Enormous Healing Power. We Need to Experience It in Order to Expand Our Perception.” The e-book (which translates to “Echoes of the Past,”) is in Spanish. You may download it here. Organizational Constellations The second e-book comes from Cecilio Fernandez Regojo, a widely respected trainer and constellation practitioner from Portugal who specializes in organizational constellations.. Because organizational constellations are one of the four tracks of the conference, we’re pleased to offer this e-book to our readers and hope that it also whets your appetite for the conference, where Cecilio will be one of the featured speakers. He will present on “Constellation Power Versus Client Power: Interview, Connection, Responsibility and the Empowerment of the Client.” His free e-book is titled Systemic Management and subtitled “Organizational Constellations: A New Methodology to Approach Business World Issues. It discusses systemic cultures, offers a systemic checklist and assessment questions and examines how an “outside” consultant can find his or her “right place” in business consulting. You may download it here. Playlist ideas for your groups and clients While you're at your computer, we invite you to subscribe to the North American Systemic Constellations e-letter. You'll stay updated on the latest conference news, and constellations happenings throughout North America AND receive a our gift to you -- an e-book titled Playlist Ideas for the Spirit, with music ideas for your groups, events and clients. Sign up for e-letter here and get download instructions very quickly. Join us for the 2017 North American Systemic Constellations Conference Oct. 5-8 in Virginia Beach, Va., for health professionals, educators, organizational and life coaches, consultants, clergy, community activists, change makers and others interested in alternative health and innovative practices. A pre-conference is also available. More info here. We'd love to have you subscribe to our e-letter here.
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July 2020