By Bill Mannle, LMFT
After year and a half of doing Family and Systemic Constellations at a high school in Connecticut for the school’s regular Alateen group, I began to notice a pattern. The first student to enter the room was the one who would work that day. Today was no different. “Hi Bill,” said Laney, 16, as she walked in. “Hi, Laney. Are you going to work today?” I asked. “Yeah, I think so, I don’t know,” she replied. “Whatever you want,” I said. When the other students filed in and settled, my colleague Sue, the school social worker who ran the Alateen group, shared announcements, introduced me to the new students, and then we did a round. After I explained Family Constellations, I noticed Sue looking at Laney.
Thomas Hübl speaks to 150 practitioners from around the world in seminar in Israel.. Thomas Hübl, one of the pre-conference and keynote speakers at the North American Systemic Constellations Conference, speaks during the Pocket Project gathering in Israel, encouraging what can be done to understand and heal collective trauma., By Samvedam Randles, LMHC, Dipl. Psych.
Recently, Thomas Hübl, who has done significant healing work around Holocaust trauma in Europe and Israel, sent out an invitation to mental health professionals to explore what can be done to help us understand and heal collective trauma. Last month, 150 practitioners answered that call and made the journey from all over the planet (39 countries) to his Pocket Project training in Israel. They brought their knowledge, skills and resources, as well as the traumas that have impacted, and are still impacting, their countries. I was one of these practitioners. I’m now back home, and before daily routines claim all of my attention again I want to share a little of the amazing journey that I was immersed in. I feel a new level of peace within, and my understanding has been upgraded a few notches. What causes collective trauma? |
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July 2020