Nature is essentially “self-accepting.” When the lion eats the gazelle, when the tree falls during a storm, and when the sea batters the cliff, no one goes to therapy. Constellations done in this context share in this way of being in the world, and has its effect on participants. They leave with the pleasant sense that they can be with what is. By Leslie Nipps, M.Div.
Nature Constellations are now a firmly established way of doing constellations that manifests in a wide variety of formats and contexts. Sneh Victoria Schnabel and Francesca Mason Boring first developed Nature Constellations based on the classic Family Constellations format, and many have followed their lead. Later, Francesca edited an anthology of Nature Constellations-related essays in her book Returning to Membership in Earth Community. I was first impressed by the possibilities of Nature Constellations when I attended a horse constellation weekend at Silver Horse Retreat with Sara Fancy in 2015, who has a chapter in Francesca’s book. For the last two years, I have led Nature Constellations workshops during California’s dry season. We hold them at a private picnic area in Berkeley’s Tilden Park, which is set aside from our intense urban environment. We do classic long-form constellations sessions, as well as many other formats, including Michael Reddy’s Altar Constellations; William Mannle’s Heart Constellations; and the Spirit Animal Constellations of Michelle McKinney.
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July 2020