Jack Blackwell
Cosmic Constellations: Value, Benefits, How To Facilitate & More I am blessed, I have always lived life on my terms. I worked first with Holotropic Breathwork, then found Constellation work in 2002 and began training in 2007 with Mark Wolynn & Suzi Tucker. From there Constellations became my life's work. Nothing I would rather do. I lead trainings and Constellations online from my new home in Fernandina Beach, Florida. |
Anne Sexton Bryan
Returning Home: Constellations to Connect Our African Ancestral Wisdom For the last 40 years, I’ve followed my soul’s calling to heal myself and my family, all while living an adventurous life. East Africa first called to me in 1990 for work. I felt mysteriously comforted by this new place, as if I had come home. A few years later, I was asked to run a large safari operation in East and Southern Africa, which I did for nearly a decade. When I left that job, what followed was very unexpected. A four year personal energy healing journey at The Barbara Brennan School of Healing unfolded, and culminated in my thesis project to bring twelve healers to the Cradle of Humanity in Tanzania. In 2008, we embarked on “Returning Home: A Healing Journey to Africa.” During sacred ceremonies in the Serengeti and Cradle of Humanity of Ngorongoro Crater, we brought forth hundreds of intentions from people around the world to heal our families and humanity. Three years of Constellation training with Jamy and Peter Faust soon followed and took me to new depths of healing in my family and soul, and my renewed connection to the Great Mother energy of Africa. My World Work in personal and group constellations and workshops, on behalf of my family and humanity, continues to inspire healing in concert with the Great Mother energy to help grow a new consciousness of peace and love in our world. |
Peter and Jamy Faust
A Shamanic Approach to Spirit Mind Constellations Since 2003, Jamy and Peter have been co-facilitating The Constellation Approach Immersion Programs and public seminars. They co-authored The Constellation Approach: Finding Peace Through Your Family Lineage. Graduates of the Immersion Program are now facilitating and teaching in 15 states and Canada using their book as a basic for programs and seminars. Jamy and Peter have facilitated over 2000 Constellations using their unique approach to the classic style of Family Constellations taught to them directly by Bert Hellinger and many of the original facilitators and trainers of his lineage. Jamy is an impassioned teacher and skilled communicator committed to showing people a way toward genuine healing and Soul awareness. Jamy’s vow is to help men and women of all ages find their dignity, strength, and wisdom regardless of life circumstances. Jamy holds a Master’s degree in Holistic Counseling and Psychology. Peter is a committed teacher, devoted to helping people come to peace through connection to Soul. Peter holds a Master’s degree in Japanese and Chinese Acupuncture and has been practicing Eastern medicine since 1993. He is a lead facilitator in men’s spiritual development work through the Hero’s Journey Foundation. |
Deborah Gavrin Frangquist
Phenomenological Explorations: Structure and Power in Constellations Deborah Gavrin Frangquist, M.S., is the founder and principal of Chosen Futures, providing transformational career consulting and executive coaching. She works with energy and emotions as well as with logic and planning to help clients take stock, discern how they will recognize desired outcomes, and develop practices that support effective action. Constellations, Reiki, NLP, and discernment are all part of how she helps clients make decisions that serve them, their families, their organizations, and the world. Her own embodied practices, including T’ai Chi and conscious dance, enhance her phenomenological awareness as a facilitator. Deborah has been involved with Constellation since 2000, incorporating elements of both family and organizational constellations. She particularly treasures the capacity of constellations to reveal hidden patterns and unacknowledged relationships, going beyond the types of causation addressed by common business models or by the beliefs and tactics most people bring to their career choices. She has attended all the previous North American Systemic Constellations Conferences, presenting on career constellations (2013) and co-presenting on organizational constellations (2011). She has been a member of the NASC Board since 2016. |
Inga Freudenberg
Living with a Backpack of Inherited Guilt Drs. Inga Freudenberg-van Gastel (56). Founder and co-owner of Freudenberg is married to Michiel and the mother of 4 daughters. She was born on May 8th, 1964 in Minden, Germany. At the age of 8, she emigrated to the Netherlands, to the city of Arnhem, where she grew up. She went to the University of Nijmegen. She studied the German language as well as literature. She graduated at the age of 22, and after working in the international sales business, she started working as an education manager within an employment agency. There, after 10 years of work, she became responsible for the education of 5000 employees. During this period, she discovered her passion to encourage people to make choices that make them happier with themselves and their lives. Because of this, she made a career switch and founded the Freudenberg institute near Rotterdam. Ever since then she works as a consultant, facilitator, and coach. Last but not least, she is the author of the book ‘How to tame your inner beast’ and the workbook; ‘Fun works’. She loves to coach individuals, to analyze teams and organizational problems and to facilitate workshops and seminars, for example: • Seminars: Strong enough to be afraid!, Happiness starts within you, Time to let go!, Defeat your Inner critic! and Burn-out Bore-out! • Lectures about career management and ‘how to tame your inner beast! • Facilitating constellations in team and management development programs. • Facilitating family- and organizational constellation in free format workshops. In her work she is clear, sharp in her analysis and makes surprising connections between different facts. With essential issues, she is able to create a trustworthy and safe environment that allows coachees to accept and turn the issues around. With Inga you can also expect humor and a bit of a challenge when it comes to putting yourself into perspective and learning from it. |
Barry Krost
Resolving Systemic Schizophrenia Barry Krost is a Family Constellations Facilitator, Trainer, Transformational Life Coach and Bodywork & Energy Healing Therapist. He does Family Constellation sessions, workshops, and training and has worked with many leading Family Constellations trainers and facilitators in the US and Europe. He began his Family Constellations experience in 2003 and completed two different year long facilitator trainings with Scott Bader in 2009 and another with Suzi Tucker in 2013. Barry has been offering monthly Family Constellations workshops since 2010 and now online. He has just recently begun to offer a “Family Constellations Facilitator Training Certification” and will begin offering virtual mentoring groups monthly starting in January 2022. For the last two years he has offered a course in the “Philosophy, Principles and Facilitation of Family Constellations” online. Barry has presented at the last three North American constellations conferences and was a guest presenter at the 16th and 17th International Intensive in Systemic Resolution in Bernried, Germany and most recently presented at the 2021 International Systemic Constellations Conference. Barry is also a Registered Instructor and Practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy. He holds a BA in Anthropology from Grinnell College, an MA in History and a certificate in high school social studies instruction. HIs website is healingbodytherapeutics.com. |
Andrea Bosbach Largent
The Transformational Power Triangle of Facilitation Join Andrea Bosbach Largent, MSW, SFT in a highly interactive learning circle. Andrea is an international full-time Trainer and Facilitator of Constellations starting out in 1992 in her home country: Germany, supporting the Constellation Field in the USA, her second homeland, since 1999. As a first generation Facilitator, Andrea encountered direct teaching and mentorship with Bert Hellinger, Dr. Albrecht Mahr, Gunthard Weber and Claudia Mengel (Constellations with the Coloured Fields). She holds Masters in Family Systems, Social Work, and Holistic Healing. Her Constellation Work is client-focussed, ritual-inclusive, initiating transformative motions inside the ancestral system at large, and the client within.Andrea most recently offered insights and trainings into her work in the United States, Ireland, Great Britain, India, Australia, South-Africa as well as Maylasia and Kuwait. The University of Pittsburgh, Universtity of Pennsylvania, the Malvern Gestalt Institute (PA) have hosted her Constellation work in the past for which she is most grateful. Recent studies (2015) with Stephan Hausner have deepened her client-focus and capacity to work with chronic conditions in profound ways - and with deep gratitude. One of Andrea 's passions is the integration of Multi-Generational Trauma Release into main stream therapy and psychology. Her trademarked Geno-Chart-Process™ permits therapists of all modalities to incorporate Ancestral Trauma Release into their practices. This training is in its 8th cycle of training, and began in 2010. Supporting those impacted by bipolarism, schizophrenia, autism and psychosis is another one of Andrea's devotion. She successfully integrated Constellations into Mental Health treatment, diagnostics, and maintenance. Andrea was one of the first to explore the human-animal field of relations to illness for both: human and/or animal; assisting the animals to release illness for both: themselves and their human companions. As well as home and land constellations. Astrology-Constellations are another one of Andrea's talents, so are Past Life Processees, Curse and Oaths Unravelings, and the Dis-Entanglement of Spirit Related Illness. Andrea brings with her abilities of MediumShip, Spirit & Space Clearing, Ancestral Spirit or Curse Unraveling, Compassionate Depossession, as well as Spirit Journeys in the Shamanic Tradition of the Seidr as her indigenous roots. Working consciously and conscientiously inside the structure of Circle Technology is another pillar in Andrea's Constellation experience and teachings. A profound respect and practice is present in honoring the Ancestral Wisdom and Teachings of the West African People as presented to Andrea through Elder Malidoma Some. The Constellation Process was initiated in essential ways by the Zulu People of Africa and their connection to Bert Hellinger, the German Founder of the process we call: a Family Constellation. Hence indigenous roots are evident in this process, so are western and modern roots. Andrea's Constellation Work is a fusion devoted to honoring and healing all People: those alive today, those who came before us and descendants to be. Www.AncestralRealms.net |
Annemeike Meersra - Van Putten
Living with a Backpack of Inherited Guilt From a young age I knew I wanted to help people. I had no idea how but I knew I would do anything with it that was clear to me. I find it inspiring to work with young, ambitious people, with people who get stuck in their work or private life. From my background as a psychologist, I find analyzing people's behavior a challenge, I like to make connections and make sharp analyzes based on the behavior and the various instruments I use. I like to trigger people and hold up a mirror with the aim of helping them grow. In addition, I am someone who does not like to think in bears, I am too positive for that. So if you have dreams and can't realize them because of all the doomsday scenarios that come to mind, then you are very welcome with me |
Bill Mannle
To the Heart of the Matter: Re-discovering Presence, Vitality and Creativity Bill Mannle, LMFT is a Gestalt and Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in Connecticut, USA. He has been involved with Family Constellations since 2003. As an international trainer and facilitator Bill has conducted seminars in Connecticut, New York, California, Germany, Denmark, Australia, Mexico, Spain, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, & Croatia. Since 2018 he has an ongoing training program in Shanghai China, which for the past year has been online due to the virus. Interested in Constellation’s ever-expanding form, he is exploring its deeper spiritual, heart opening nature, and the affects along the path. |
Joe Nunziata
Heal the Deal Joe Nunziata is a best-selling author, business consultant, professional speaker and life coach. He has been delivering his life-changing message at events and seminars since 1992. His enlightening programs are a unique blend of spirituality, psychology, philosophy and the power of internal energy. Joe teaches that to make permanent changes you must clear your negative energy and break destructive patterns of behavior at the core level. This transformational process creates new energy and beliefs designed to help you achieve sustained, positive growth in all areas of your life. He has appeared on many television and radio programs including Good Day New York and Street Talk on Fox TV, Gaiam TV, Cablevision News 12, Better TV, The Braveheart Network and various radio stations across the country. Books include: Chasing Your Life, Karma Buster, Spiritual Selling, Finding Your Purpose and No More 9 to 5. Other programs include: Change Your Energy Change Your Life, No More Mental Barriers, Connecting to Your Spirit and The 7 Keys to Transformation. |
Dina Ostrovsky
Group Constellation Exercises for Careers, Creativity, and Money Dina Ostrovsky is a transformational coach, certified process-oriented therapist and family constellation facilitator. For the past 13 years, she has been providing private personal coaching services, organizing and leading seminars on Process Oriented Psychology and leading family constellation therapy seminars in New York City, using the Systemic Constellation approach, as developed by Bert Hellinger. Since 2013, she is also a Founder and Director of TERRApia School of Transformation - a holistic educational endeavor, which brings together methods of modern psychology and ancient spiritual Earth practices, dance, music, art, shamanic rituals and conflict facilitation. Dina’s other affiliations over the years included Whole Recovery holistic rehabilitation center for addiction and depression in Samara, Costa Rica, where she was a Clinical Director in 2011- 2013, Ursa Major Travel Club (www.ursatravel.com) for adventures and spiritual travels in the Grand Canyon Area, Death Valley, Utah, and the Big Island of Hawaii, where she worked with Native American spiritual leaders to introduce travelers to Native American Culture and Spirituality; she was also the founder and director of the Place of Clarity center that organized self-awareness seminars in NYC Metro Area in 2006-2011. |
Sarah Peyton
From Shame and Entanglement to Resilience: Leveraging the Neuroscience of Trauma and Unconscious Contracts in Constellations Sarah Peyton, constellations facilitator, Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication and neuroscience educator, integrates constellations, brain science and the use of resonant language to heal trauma with exquisite and warm gentleness. Her keynote theme will be Dissolving Unconscious Contracts with our Family Line. She teaches and lectures internationally, is a regular contributor to The Knowing Field International Constellations Journal is an annual guest speaker and teacher at the ISCA Intensive in Germany and is the author of the book “Your Resonant Self: Guided Meditations and Exercises to Engage Your Brain’s Capacity for Healing." She is currently at work on a second book, commissioned by W.W.Norton, on the relational neuroscience of the unconscious contracts that constellations so often let us disentangle. |
W. Ellen Raboin, PhD, MSOD, MBA, AMFT, BBS Registration AMFT 112897
Exploring the Intersection of Systemic Constellation Work (SCW) and the Practice of Organizational Development (OD) Ellen is a Senior Organization Development Specialist at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital supporting Patient Care Services. She designs and facilitates conversations intended to build Healthy Care Environments. Her approach is rooted in relational social constructionism and human systems theory. She uses constellations to promote systemic mindfulness and experiment with potentials in complex ecosystems of care. She has trained with many Master facilitators; most notably Michelle Masters, Carl Buchheit, Jane Peterson, Mark Johnson, Cecilo Rejogo, Stephan Hausner, Dyrian Benz and Joanne Chartrand. Ellen is a Taos Institute Associate, co-author of a book on Collaborative Care, and several book chapters on collaborative change. Ellen is a member of the Keystone Conversations which have been conducted online since the 2017 conference on a bi-monthly basis. Keystone Conversations community is an emerging, self-managed collection of practitioners who have a shared interest in Systemic Constellation Work for Organizations, Systems Theory/Thinking for organizations, and Organizational Development. Please visit our google docs page Here is the link for the google docs notes on our previous conversations to view recordings and/or read the summary of the webinars |
Jim Shine
Honoring the Excluded Jim Shine was introduced to constellations in the early 2000s, and took his first constellation facilitator training in 2007. His first teacher was Joanne Lynch-Bachbauer. Jim has been a practicing facilitator since 2008. Jim has attended numerous intensives, conferences and workshops in the United States and Europe. He has trained with Francesca Mason Boring twice, and has learned from Guni Baxa, Stephan Hausner and other master facilitators. His interests in the constellation community include rituals, the science behind the knowing field, and mentoring the next generation of facilitators. Jim’s first career was as a mathematician; he still does part-time work in the field of statistics. |
Gary Stuart
Quantum Activation: Directed 3 Step Constellations Gary Stuart is a three-time #1 International bestselling author, Speaker and personal development expert for over 45 years. He’s a master Constellation healing facilitator of over 2 decades. He’s been featured on The Dr. Nandi Show globally for ABC TV also with Bryan Gallo at NBC Palm Springs. He also leads healing retreats globally with Jill Fischer. His latest book is Healing Human History: Constellation Wisdom for the 21st Century. He’s also the best-selling author of A. I. Ancestral Intelligence: Constellation Insights from Beyond and the A. I. Guided Journal. His other Constellation healing books include Master YOUR Universe: How to Direct & Star in YOUR Own Life plus Many Hearts ONE SOUL. His forthcoming book is Quantum Activation: Transforming Obstacles into Opportunities with Amit Goswami PhD. and Carl Blake. He’s also the creator of the innovative Constellation Healing Oracle Card deck. His websites are www.GaryStuartHealing.com and www.GaryStuartPressKit.com |