2026 Request for Proposals:
Do entanglements from the past unknowingly hinder us? Can we, as advocates of a systemic approach, foster insight, reconciliation and development at the levels of the individual, family, work group or society? We believe the answer is a bold “yes.” Systemic constellations have a role to play in the process of healing and growth across the spectrum of our society. This conference is the place to bring your best thoughts, methods, passions and experiences to help us all be more consciously inclusive and skillful in facilitating the systemic approach to address the urgent challenges so many people face. Your proposed session will help build awareness of the systemic approach and establish its efficacy. Here is our conference theme:
Do entanglements from the past unknowingly hinder us? Can we, as advocates of a systemic approach, foster insight, reconciliation and development at the levels of the individual, family, work group or society? We believe the answer is a bold “yes.” Systemic constellations have a role to play in the process of healing and growth across the spectrum of our society. This conference is the place to bring your best thoughts, methods, passions and experiences to help us all be more consciously inclusive and skillful in facilitating the systemic approach to address the urgent challenges so many people face. Your proposed session will help build awareness of the systemic approach and establish its efficacy. Here is our conference theme:
“Lighthouse of the Soul:
Illuminating the Wisdom of the Ancestors”
Together we’ll draw on the core principles and innovative approaches in the field of systemic constellations to reveal and explore the hidden dynamics that underlie the pressing issues affecting us individually and collectively. Our working hypothesis is that the unconscious and ancestral dynamics within the collective field are ripe for exploration. If we reveal and facilitate these dynamics in a conscious manner, without being entangled by polarization, it’s possible to mitigate the drive to unconsciously reenact past traumas, individually, in families, and collectively in our relationship to nature, organizations and society.
General Instructions
We are requesting proposals for presentations at the 2020 North American Systemic Constellations Conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado on November 11-15, 2020.
This year’s conference theme is “Lighthouse of the Soul: Illuminating the Wisdom of the Ancestors”. We want to honor where we came from, both in our families and as a community of elders, facilitators and students. The lighthouse is a metaphor for how this past and present wisdom, strength and vision will light our way into the future. Some possible formats for the presentation include introduction, lecture, questions and answers, group constellations, or some combination of these. Please include some form of experiential constellation work in your description of your presentation (and of course in the workshop itself). Two people maximum on each proposal. One must be clearly labeled as the primary presenter. You may only submit one proposal as primary presenter. Possible areas of focus for the proposals include but are not limited to: ---Family constellations ---Organization/business constellations ---Larger cultural constellations ---Nature constellations ---Connections between constellations and indigenous wisdom ---Scientific aspects of constellations (epigenetics, neuroscience, quantum mechanics) ---Constellations and psychotherapy. Click the link to the right for the RFP Submission form! |
RFP Submission Form
TimelineDECEMBER 1, 2019: Website opens for submissions
JANUARY 31, 2020: Proposal is due by 11:59PM Pacific Time The preferred method of submitting a proposal is online. If this is impossible for you please make arrangements with the Presentation Selection Committee before January 31. MARCH 15, 2020: The Program Team will notify all submitting parties of their participation status no later than this date. If you have questions about a proposal or suggested presentation at any time, please contact Jim Shine at [email protected]. Thank you and we look forward to receiving your proposals and seeing you at a great conference! |