The Journey to Colorado
The beginning of our 2021 conference journey started immediately following the November 2017 conference. We knew from working on that Conference that even if we weren’t the ones to move forward with planning the next conference, we were excited to share all of our experiences with the Board and help support the next one. We started putting together a lot of ideas for 2021, including location, the theme, and our vision and the Board invited us to be co-directors.
~ The Keynote Speakers ~
Thinking about the keynoters was the next step. Because we want to honor ourselves and our ancestors, we knew it was important to look at the victim and perpetrator issues we all carry and that are currently present in our shared history. With lots of newsworthy topics surrounding trauma lately, we knew we needed to have a keynoter focus on generational trauma, and how to work with the trauma-informed field so we don’t (re)traumatize the client or representatives, witnesses, or ourselves. We also knew we needed to heal this part for all our lineages. We have this in common by virtue of us all being here now, whether our ancestors arrived here by perpetrator or victim fate.
We will also have a keynoter that focuses on how to build a lucrative healing practice. We noticed it is a common challenge in the constellation world and believe it needs to be addressed so we can all move forward to reach our own healership goals.
We will also have a keynoter that focuses on how to build a lucrative healing practice. We noticed it is a common challenge in the constellation world and believe it needs to be addressed so we can all move forward to reach our own healership goals.
~ Excitement & Gratitude ~

We are very excited to be able to bring you all into our dreams and goals for the NASC 2021 conference.
The time is right for us to all raise our vibrations and move along on this path and to help move the planet forward with us.
We are grateful for the work you have already been doing. We are also grateful for our opportunity to be a part of this conference.
Michaelene and Susan
The time is right for us to all raise our vibrations and move along on this path and to help move the planet forward with us.
We are grateful for the work you have already been doing. We are also grateful for our opportunity to be a part of this conference.
Michaelene and Susan